Photo : Zubair Tauni

Zubair Tauni

Muhammad Zubair Tauni is an Associate Professor in Finance. He joined EM Normandie in 2020. He has a PhD in Finance from Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China awarded in 2017. His thesis focuses on how the similarity (dissimilarity) between investor and advisor personality influences investors’ behavior in the Chinese stock market. His main research area is to identify the investors’ irrational behavior explained by various psychological characteristics and mitigating this irrational behavior through financial literacy and financial planning.

Photo : Effects of hedonic shopping motivations and gender differences on compulsive online buyers

Effects of hedonic shopping motivations and gender differences on compulsive online buyers

Online shopping is considered a modern, vigorous, 24/7 available, and routine activity. Consequently, consumers conveniently engage in online shopping activities for immediate pleasure or instant sensual inspiration. These shopping motivations could be indispensable tendencies of compulsive online buyers, who are characterized by unabated and repetitive buying needs. To satisfy these irrepressible urges, compulsive buyers can […]

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Photo : Do buyer–seller personality similarities impact compulsive buying behaviour?

Do buyer–seller personality similarities impact compulsive buying behaviour?

Compulsive buying refers to consumers’ proclivity for an obsession with shopping, and a weak impulse control with regards to shopping. Generally, compulsive buyers cannot stop their shopping urges, and thus, often experience shame, guilt, and regret after excessive shopping episodes. As a result, they tend to avoid social interactions with other buyers, including sales personnel. […]

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