Gamification VS Social Influence

Photo : Gamification VS Social Influence

Is gamification the same as social influence? Not really, but they are extremely close and similar in so many ways. Why? Because, social sciences are giving the actual fundamental ground for gamification and other similar buzzwords, such as behavioral economics, nudging, persuasive technology, influencing design, and so on. Are your changes difficult? Our method will let you master any change with ease. Your only choices are to be either a victime or a master. You decide!

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    Agnis Stibe Agnis Stibe is a Professor of Transformation. He joined EM Normandie in 2020. He has a PhD in Information Processing Science from the University of Oulu, Finland, awarded in 2014 and held a postdoctoral position at the MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2017. His thesis is on Transformation Science & Practice. His research interests are transformation processes, leadership, artificial intelligence, social psychology and neuroscience. He has worked for Fortune 100 companies including Hewlett-Packard and Oracle. He provides consultancy services to companies and entrepreneurs worldwide. He is the Academic Director of M2 Artificial Intelligence at EM Normandie.

Photo : A Tale of Two Pharmaceutical Clusters

A Tale of Two Pharmaceutical Clusters

– Comparison of Polepharma (France) and Cité Biotech (Canada) In the innovation-oriented economy, the knowledge-intensive industries drive region economic growth by leveraging local innovation ecosystem configurations and global innovation network connectivity. In this progress, the clusters, namely, “the geographic concentrations of interconnected companies and institutions in a particular field” (Porter, 1998), act as the basic […]

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Photo : There are no jobs on a dead planet 

There are no jobs on a dead planet 

This quote highlights the opening keynote on Sustainable Hyper-Performance with Human Artificial Intelligence by EM Normandie professor Agnis Stibe at the Technology for Sustainable Future event in Madrid, Spain. The event was aimed at bringing clarity to how essential it is for people and organizations to realize the importance of sustainable thinking for our future […]

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Photo : Circular economy and business opportunities in the global value chains

Circular economy and business opportunities in the global value chains

The ongoing ecological challenges of climate change, resource scarcity, biological diversity, and environmental pollution urge the global business to fulfil their commitment to the triple bottom line of sustainable development, namely, economic prosperity, environmental integrity, and social equity for the benefit of current and future generations. In practice, the paradigm of circular economy, that is, […]

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