Can employers gauge your trait positivity on LinkedIn? A recent study published in Career Development International suggests they can. It shows that job seekers with higher levels of positive affectivity are more likely to receive favorable ratings from recruiters.
This influence occurs through two key factors: their intrinsic motivation and their efforts in building professional networks on LinkedIn. This process indicates that positive affectivity is a valuable personality trait that contributes to successful employment outcomes by promoting active and strategic behaviors, such as network building.
This study emphasizes the increasing importance of LinkedIn in the job market, especially for early-career job seekers. These individuals should be encouraged to see LinkedIn not just as a static resume platform but also as a dynamic space for professional networking. Building and nurturing a LinkedIn network can serve as a clear expression of their positive outlook and intrinsic motivation.
For those with lower levels of positive affectivity, job seekers can take steps to enhance their positivity, which can then be reflected in their LinkedIn presence and improve their employment prospects.
Networking efforts on platforms like LinkedIn may indicate a job seeker’s motivation and positive affectivity.