Exploring the microfoundations of nomadic dynamic capabilities: The example of flying winemakers

Photo : Exploring the microfoundations of nomadic dynamic capabilities: The example of flying winemakers

Using the illustration of flying winemakers, this conceptual paper looks at international entrepreneurship and the microfoundations of dynamic capabilities to explore how nomad entrepreneurs manage dynamic capabilities in global contexts.

We first identify the key features of nomad entrepreneurs and their relationship with their environment to conceptualize nomadic dynamic capabilities. We then analyze the specific role of knowledge transfer in managing nomadic dynamic capabilities and put forward a stylized model of the microfoundations of nomadic dynamic capabilities.

We contribute to the international entrepreneurship and global dynamic capabilities literature by investigating the role of nomad entrepreneurs as connectors both across and beyond borders for globalized industries.

We also contribute to the microfoundations of the dynamic capabilities stream of literature by emphasizing the sources of nomadic dynamic capabilities and their role in a micro-level driven research agenda in terms of the concrete actions of nomad entrepreneurs to elucidate higher-level phenomena.

The research of Sylvaine Castellano.

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    Sylvaine Castellano Sylvaine Castellano is a Professor of Strategy. She joined EM Normandie in 2020. She has a PhD in management from the University of Luxembourg, awarded in 2010. Her thesis is on the dynamics of legitimacy and reputation in the wine industry in France. Her research interests are institutional and competitive dynamics, specifically in the wine and luxury markets. Her publications discuss the concepts of reputation, e-reputation and legitimacy. She has also written and coordinated books on entrepreneurship and online reputation. She is Director of research and leads the Laboratoire Métis (Métis Research Laboratory) at EM Normandie.

Photo : Intelligent entrepreneurship in all senses of the term

Intelligent entrepreneurship in all senses of the term

At the start of 2008, in Clichy, Michael Ferrière (class of 2002) opened One Each, bistro 3.0, locavore, social and inclusive, with the following motto: “our difference, our wish to prove that you can make a living whilst helping your fellow man.” Know-how… Every day, One Each – a restaurant and inclusive establishment – offers […]

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