Webinar: the emerging chinese aerospace value chains – opportunities and challenges for the foreign investors

Photo : Webinar: the emerging chinese aerospace value chains – opportunities and challenges for the foreign investors

We are delighted to announce a series of free webinars open to you, your colleagues and your students – a great opportunity to broaden perspectives on the suggested topics and exchange with our international faculty!

Registration for the first webinar is now open! We thank you for relaying this invitation.

The upgrading value chains of the Chinese aerospace industry open up new opportunities for the foreign investors. In this webinar, we discover the industrial structure, regional specialization, and network embeddedness of the Chinese aerospace value chains. Then, we discuss how foreign enterprises overcome the “liability of foreignness” and integrate in the local innovation ecosystem when entering the Chinese aerospace market.

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    Yihan Wang Yihan Wang is an Assistant Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship. He joined EM Normandie in 2020. He has a PhD in Administration (Specialist field: international business) from HEC Montreal, Canada, awarded in 2019. His thesis is an analysis of the Chinese aerospace industry. His research and teaching areas are international strategy, innovation networks and regional development.

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