Webinar: Boosting Organizational Hyper-Performance with Artificial Intelligence

Photo : Webinar: Boosting Organizational Hyper-Performance with Artificial Intelligence

We are delighted to announce a series of free webinars open to you, your colleagues and your students – a great opportunity to broaden perspectives on the suggested topics and exchange with our international faculty!

The next one on April 7th is about Artificial Intelligence: Achieving managerial excellence through the advances of man-machine symbiosis. Intertwining the depth of human change with the power of modern technologies. Successful future organizations will master the human-technology co-evolution.

To participate, please register here. Once done, you will get the link to the session(s).

  • Photo :

    Agnis Stibe Agnis Stibe is a Professor of Transformation. He joined EM Normandie in 2020. He has a PhD in Information Processing Science from the University of Oulu, Finland, awarded in 2014 and held a postdoctoral position at the MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2017. His thesis is on Transformation Science & Practice. His research interests are transformation processes, leadership, artificial intelligence, social psychology and neuroscience. He has worked for Fortune 100 companies including Hewlett-Packard and Oracle. He provides consultancy services to companies and entrepreneurs worldwide. He is the Academic Director of M2 Artificial Intelligence at EM Normandie.

Photo : Designing Transformation with Human Artificial Intelligence

Designing Transformation with Human Artificial Intelligence

With a keynote under this title, EM Normandie professor Agnis Stibe opened the 17th Annual International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST 2022). It was held on June 1-3 and hosted by the Kate Tiedemann School of Business and Finance, one of six schools within the Muma College of Business […]

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Photo : Should we digitalize the service of fine-dining restaurants?

Should we digitalize the service of fine-dining restaurants?

This research examines the perceived value of service digitalization in fine-dining restaurants in France. No study exists on this topic, and the aim of this research was to address this research gap. To do so, a conceptual framework of the perceived benefits and costs of the service digitalization was developed. To obtain in-depth information, we […]

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Photo : Meeting artificial intelligence experts in Dublin

Meeting artificial intelligence experts in Dublin

Artificial Intelligence for Marketing Strategy (AIMS) is a novel MSc program at EM Normandie Business School, led by the program director Agnis Stibe, in collaboration with EPITA Engineering School, led Rabih Haddad, the director of international programs.  Every year, the AIMS program students go for a week-long trip to Dublin. As a part of their curriculum, they have this opportunity to speak with industry experts, as well as to gain deeper knowledge on […]

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