Workplace management and Covid-19: What changes to expect ?

Photo : Workplace management and Covid-19: What changes to expect ?

« You are where you work » perfectly sums up the various interests one may find in studying organisational spaces like I do. Indeed, thanks to many pluridisciplinary research on the subject, we do know today that space influences our social relations, our performances, our identity at work (hence, our perception of ourself), our professional opportunities, our health, and so on.

Yet, with the pandemic we are still facing today, it seems that a whole revolution is occuring in the organisational spaces domain: Full remote, hybrid solutions, going back to the office just like before 2020… What’s at stake today for companies and for the workers?

To join this conversation and participate in Delphine Minchella’s webinar on 24th February, please register.

  • Photo :

    Delphine Minchella Delphine Minchella is an Assistant Professor of organisational Theory. She joined EM Normandie in 2014. She has a PhD in British civilisation from Sorbonne Université, awarded in 2007 and a PhD in management science from the Université Paris-Dauphine-PSL, awarded in 2015. Her thesis is on the political involvement of women in Scotland in the 18th century: social image and female style. Her research interest is corporate history.

Photo : Do CEO overconfidence and narcissism affect corporate social responsibility in the UK listed companies?

Do CEO overconfidence and narcissism affect corporate social responsibility in the UK listed companies?

Purpose This paper aims to examine the effect of two CEO characteristics, namely, narcissism and overconfidence on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the moderating effect of corporate governance (CG) mechanisms in the UK. Design/methodology/approach Using a sample of 2,360 UK firms listed on the FTSE 400 index for the years 2010–2017, the feasible generalized least […]

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Photo : A Tale of Two Pharmaceutical Clusters

A Tale of Two Pharmaceutical Clusters

– Comparison of Polepharma (France) and Cité Biotech (Canada) In the innovation-oriented economy, the knowledge-intensive industries drive region economic growth by leveraging local innovation ecosystem configurations and global innovation network connectivity. In this progress, the clusters, namely, “the geographic concentrations of interconnected companies and institutions in a particular field” (Porter, 1998), act as the basic […]

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