The isolation of independent workers including freelancers is traditionally seen as a continuous state in which individuals feel disconnected from their professional environment. This belief, deeply [...]
The isolation of independent workers including freelancers is traditionally seen as a continuous state in which individuals feel disconnected from their professional environment. This belief, deeply [...]
Mayotte, the poorest and most unequal region of France in the European Union, is facing two cyclones: natural disasters and the more insidious social and economic divide. While cyclone Chido caused considerable damage, the island’s structural vulnerabilities amplify the effects of these repeated crises. Yet these challenges can be an opportunity for transformation if the […]
Can employers gauge your trait positivity on LinkedIn? A recent study published in Career Development International suggests they can. It shows that job seekers with higher levels of positive affectivity are more likely to receive favorable ratings from recruiters. This influence occurs through two key factors: their intrinsic motivation and their efforts in building professional […]
The book Regions, Cities and the Circular Economy, co-edited by Sébastien Bourdin (EM Normandie Business School), André Torre (Paris-Saclay University, INRAE), and Eveline van Leeuwen (Wageningen University), offers a critical and comprehensive exploration of the role of territories in driving and implementing circular economy strategies. In an era marked by pressing environmental challenges—climate change, resource […]
The paper explores the ethical challenges linked to negative business practices in international business (IB). The main findings and conclusions can be summarized as follows: Main Findings I- Four Key Themes: the paper identifies four critical areas of concern regarding dark-side practices in IB: II- Dark-Side Practices: the paper discusses examples of unethical business practices […]
In the face of climate change, which is forcing us to rethink our food and therefore our agricultural production, we need to revisit the link that can exist between the quality of an agricultural product and the soil from which it comes. As a result, we need to re-examine the contours of a well-known concept […]
In today’s geopolitical landscape, various countries have decided to restrict some of their trade in order to develop their autonomy and sovereignty, while at the same time increasing their spending on defence technology. Such a context may favour the development of research activities centred on defence issues and may encourage certain types of scientific cooperation. […]
Here are the changes brought about by the future european ‘right to repair‘ Is the era of disposable items about to come to an end? At least, that’s the ambition of the directive on the right to repair proposed by the European Commission, which aims to put an end to the linear model by favouring […]
In March 2023, the European Commission took a major step towards promoting more sustainable and eco-responsible consumption. The proposal for a directive to facilitate and encourage the repair of consumer goods represents a milestone in the ecological transition. This initiative aims to significantly reduce waste while generating savings for consumers. The Commission’s proposal is due […]
– Comparison of Polepharma (France) and Cité Biotech (Canada) In the innovation-oriented economy, the knowledge-intensive industries drive region economic growth by leveraging local innovation ecosystem configurations and global innovation network connectivity. In this progress, the clusters, namely, “the geographic concentrations of interconnected companies and institutions in a particular field” (Porter, 1998), act as the basic […]
Gratitude within co-worker relations may explain varying levels and scope of help. Workplaces and co-worker relationships are evolving with increasing complexity. Exchanges between colleagues and perceived intentions are especially important for driving these interactions. Individuals rely upon emotional cues to guide their responses, which sometimes includes being helpful. Particularly, relationship-specific gratitude – or gratitude feelings […]
This quote highlights the opening keynote on Sustainable Hyper-Performance with Human Artificial Intelligence by EM Normandie professor Agnis Stibe at the Technology for Sustainable Future event in Madrid, Spain. The event was aimed at bringing clarity to how essential it is for people and organizations to realize the importance of sustainable thinking for our future […]
The ongoing ecological challenges of climate change, resource scarcity, biological diversity, and environmental pollution urge the global business to fulfil their commitment to the triple bottom line of sustainable development, namely, economic prosperity, environmental integrity, and social equity for the benefit of current and future generations. In practice, the paradigm of circular economy, that is, […]
With a keynote under this title, EM Normandie professor Agnis Stibe opened the 17th Annual International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST 2022). It was held on June 1-3 and hosted by the Kate Tiedemann School of Business and Finance, one of six schools within the Muma College of Business […]
This research examines the perceived value of service digitalization in fine-dining restaurants in France. No study exists on this topic, and the aim of this research was to address this research gap. To do so, a conceptual framework of the perceived benefits and costs of the service digitalization was developed. To obtain in-depth information, we […]
Last two years of pandemic triggered significant structural changes, irrespective of the industry and geographies. There are specific patterns emerging in the various facets of supply chains including procurement, manufacturing, and logistics. The proposed seminar will provide an overview on those latest developments and their business impact. If you want to learn more about this […]
In just a few weeks, 2019-nCoV has become a global crisis and there is no longer any question of it being a major pandemic. Faced with the spread of the virus and its impact, each country worldwide is dealing more or less urgently with the issue of its public health security. However, the spread of […]
« You are where you work » perfectly sums up the various interests one may find in studying organisational spaces like I do. Indeed, thanks to many pluridisciplinary research on the subject, we do know today that space influences our social relations, our performances, our identity at work (hence, our perception of ourself), our professional […]
We are delighted to announce a series of free webinars open to you, your colleagues and your students – a great opportunity to broaden perspectives on the suggested topics and exchange with our international faculty! Registration for the first webinar is now open! We thank you for relaying this invitation. The upgrading value chains of […]